Bylaws & Rules
Article B1 - Name
The official designation shall be the Operations and Power Division of the American Nuclear Society, Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as the Division and Society, respectively.
Article B2 - Objectives
1. The objectives of the Division shall be consistent with the objectives of the Society, as set forth in its Certificate of Incorporation and in Article B2 of its Bylaws and Rules, principally, the "advancement of science and engineering relating to the atomic nucleus and of allied sciences and arts"
a. The Division shall provide, through a group of members of any grades particularly interested in the Division's area of nuclear science or technology, a means to promote the sciences and arts of that area, within the scope of the Society.
b. The Division's area of nuclear science or technology includes:
i. Power reactors with particular application to the production of electric power and process heat.
ii. Applied nuclear science and engineering as related to power plants, including, but not limited to design, construction, economics, licensing, quality assurance, fuel management, and public acceptance.
iii. The safe and efficient operation of nuclear facilities through professional staff development, information exchange, and support for the generation of viable solutions to current challenges.
2. To further its objectives, the Division shall:
a. Hold meetings, or conduct other activities, in accordance with the stated policy of the Society for the presentation and discussion of professional ideas relating to the Division's area of nuclear science or technology.
b. Disseminate knowledge and information in the Division's area of nuclear science or technology by discussions, communications, the presentation of papers and other means of information exchange.
c. Encourage the formation of closer professional, and, as appropriate, personal relations among the members.
d. Cooperate with other scientific and professional groups having related objectives.
Article B3 - Obligations to the Society
1. The activities of the Division and its members shall be governed by the provisions of these bylaws which shall be in accord with the provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation and the Bylaws and Rules of the Society. Operation of the Division shall be governed by the laws of incorporation of the Society and their respective Bylaws, Rules, Procedures, and Policies.
2. In the event of a conflict, the Society's Bylaws, Rules, Procedures, and Policies shall take precedence over the Bylaws and Rules of the Division.
3. The Division shall not have authority to act for or in the name of the Society. No action, obligation, or expression of the Division shall be considered an action, obligation, or expression of the Society as a whole. A statement to theneffect that the Division assumes sole responsibility for the contents shall be imprinted on any publication regarding an action, obligation, or expression with respect to the Society, issued by the Division. The Division may use its website for this purpose.
4. The financial affairs of the Division shall be conducted in such manner that the Division shall be financially independent and shall not rely on support from Society funds, except to the limit budgeted by the Board of Directors for each Division. The Division may meet its financial obligations in accordance with the provisions in Article B5.
5. The Division shall not represent any opinion or position in any matter technical or non-technical as being the official position of the Society or any of its subdivisions without prior approval of the Board of Directors.
6. The Secretary of the Division shall file with the Executive Director of the Society a copy of the minutes of the Division Executive Committee meetings within thirty (30) days following the meetings date(s) in accordance with B7.3.
Article B4 - Membership
1. Members in good standing in the Society shall be eligible to become members of the Division.
2. Student members in good standing in the Society shall be voting members and may hold the office of Secretary-Treasurer, Secretary, or Treasurer and serve on the Executive Committee in the Division.
3. Society members who desire to become members of the Division shall so indicate on the dues billing form issued annually to all Society members by the Executive Director. Society members desiring to join at other times may do so by notifying the Executive Director and paying the associated fee, if necessary.
4. Society members who desire to terminate their membership in the Division shall so indicate on the annual dues billing form. Society members desiring to resign at other times may do so by notifying the Executive Director. Upon resignation, the member's name shall be dropped from the Division roster and mailing list.
5. The names and addresses of all members initially comprising a Technical Group shall be furnished by its Executive Committee to the Executive Director of the Society. Initial Executive Committee membership of new Technical Groups is enumerated in Section B6.2.
6. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, the Division may enroll non-Society members as "Division Participants" for a non-renewable period of up to two years. Division Participants shall be "non-Society" members who qualify by submitting an application and paying a fee for an amount and via a path approved by the Executive Committee of any Professional Division voluntarily choosing to enroll them. Division Participants may be entitled: 1) to receive newsletters and notices of activities of the Division and 2) to participate as non-Society members in Division activities excluding voting and holding elective or appointed offices in the Division. Division Participants shall be encouraged to apply for Society membership.
Article B5 - Dues, Assessments, and Contributions
1. The Division may collect dues from its members as provided in the Division Rules. The dues for membership in a Division shall be shown on the annual statement sent to each member of the Society by the Executive Director.
2. The Division may levy special and reasonable assessments to implement the sponsorship of special or topical meetings when authorized by affirmative vote of not fewer that two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at a regular or special meeting called as provided in these Bylaws.
3. The Division may also accept non-compulsory financial contributions, but solicitation and acceptance of such contributions shall be subject to the written approval by the Board of Directors and the Executive Director.
4. The funds derived from these and from any other authorized sources shall be disbursed for the Division by the Executive Director of the Society in response to requests from the Treasurer and Chair and in accordance with the annual operating budget prepared by the Finance Committee of the Division and subject to the limitation stipulated in Article B3.4 of these Bylaws.
Article B6 - Executive Committee
1. The Division shall be managed by an Executive Committee. This Committee shall constitute the governing body of the Division and shall have power to act for the Division in all matters, subject to these Bylaws and to the Certificate of Incorporation and the Bylaws and Rules of the Society.
2. The Executive Committee of the Division shall consist of not fewer than six (6) members. The members, elected at large, other than the officers shall have terms not exceeding four (4) years, and the term designated for each shall commence at the close of the Annual meeting of the Society and shall be such as to maintain effective continuity of experience in conducting the affairs of the Division and in performing the duties of the Executive Committee. The Chair of the Division most recently retired shall be an ex- officio member with voting privileges. The Chair of the Professional Divisions Committee of the Society shall be an ex-officio member without vote. The Chair of the Division shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee, and other officers, as defined in Articles B7.2, B7.3, B7.4, and B7.5, shall also serve on the Executive Committee. A quorum shall be a majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee.
3. Any vacancy among the officers or on the Executive Committee occurring during their terms shall be filled by appropriate action of the Executive Committee until the next regular election, except that a vacancy in the office of Chair shall be filled by the Vice-Chair (the designated Chair-Elect if there is more than one Vice-Chair), who shall continue also to perform the duties of Vice-Chair until installed as Chair for the following year.
4. The Executive Committee may remove members missing more than two (2) consecutive meetings, unless appropriate reasons are provided for missing such meetings.
5. In order to provide for handling the affairs of the Division, the Executive Committee may prepare and adopt, in connection with these Bylaws, suitable Rules. Division Rules shall be adopted by affirmative vote of not fewer than two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Executive Committee, provided that the text of the proposed amendments has been furnished to each member of the Committee at least ten (10) days before the meeting at which the vote is taken or provided at least thirty (30) days are allotted between ballot distribution and the specified closing date for return if the vote is by letter ballot. A copy of he Division Rules shall be provided to the Bylaws and Rules Committee for review and approval. After approval by the Bylaws and Rules Committee, a copy of the Division Rule shall be filed with the Executive Director of the Society
6. The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice each year, once during the Annual Meeting and once during the Winter Meeting of the Society, or as appropriate. Other meetings (e.g. at Division-sponsored Topical Meetings) or teleconferences, e-mail communications, and by other appropriate medium of the Executive Committee may be called at any time by the Chair, or at the request of any three or more members of the Committee.
7. Voting shall be by an appropriate voting system, under the general procedure stipulated for voting and for handling the ballots in the Bylaws and Rules of the Society. The Executive Director shall declare elected to each position the candidate receiving the most votes for that position. If a tie occurs, the Division shall resolve the tie by a vote of the members of the Executive Committee. The elected candidates shall be installed and their terms of office shall commence at the close of the Annual Meeting of the Society.
Article B7 - Officers
1. The officers of the Division shall be a Chair, at least one Vice-Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The duties of the Secretary and Treasurer may be combined into a single office (i.e., Secretary-Treasurer). All officers shall hold their offices for a one-year or two-year term or until their qualified successors are elected or appointed.
2. The Vice-Chair (or one of them if there is more than one) at the time of election shall be designated Chair-Elect, and at the expiration of that term will automatically succeed to the office of Chair.
3. The Secretary or Secretary-Treasurer shall record and file with the Executive Director within thirty (30) days after the meeting date(s) the minutes of the Division Executive Committee meetings. Separate teleconference meetings minutes may be recorded by the Division and do not have to be filed with the Executive Director.
4. For Divisions that do not have a Treasurer, the Secretary-Treasurer shall also serve as a member of the Division's Finance committee, and shall be the responsible custodian of any special funds of the Division. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have the same duties as the Treasurer.
5. The Treasurer shall send the Division budget to the Executive Director after approval of the Executive Committee.
Article B8 - Election and Eligibility
1. The members of the Division Executive committee and the officers (except the Chair) shall be elected as specified in Article B6.2 and B7.1 of these Bylaws, respectively.
2. Executive Committee members shall be Fellows, Members, Student Members, Emeritus or Honorary Life Members of the Society.
3. The Nominating Committee shall place in the hands of the Secretary or Secretary-Treasurer and Executive Director no later than the completion of the Winter Meeting (or seven [7] months before the Annual Meeting for Divisions that were unable to meet during the Winter Meeting) the names of candidates for the Executive Committee and for the Division officers. The Executive Director shall prepare and forward to each member of the Division a ballot containing the nominations submitted by the Nominating Committee, and others made by petition of not fewer than ten (10) members of the Division, received in writing either by the Nominating Committee or by the Secretary or Secretary-Treasurer at least twenty-two (22) weeks before the Annual Meeting.
4. At least one candidate shall be named by the Nominating Committee for each Executive Committee membership expiring or vacated and for each elective office other than the office of Chair, which will be filled by the Vice-Chair. The ballot shall contain spaces for writing in additional candidates.
5. Ballots, in order to be counted, shall be postmarked as instructed and shall be validated by the Executive Director as having been received from a Division member in good standing. The Division shall be responsive to future electronic voting initiatives introduced by the Society, as appropriate.
6. Voting shall be by secret ballot under the general procedure stipulated for voting and for handling the ballots in the Bylaws and Rules of the Society. The Executive Director shall declare elected to each position the candidate receiving the most votes for that position. If a tie occurs, the Division shall resolve the tie by a vote of the members of the Executive Committee. The elected candidates shall be installed and their terms of office shall commence at the close of the Annual Meeting of the Society.
7. Members, elected at large, shall not be eligible for election to more than two consecutive terms on the Executive Committee, or more than two consecutive terms of office as Secretary, Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer. After one full term in office, the Chair shall automatically be succeeded by the Vice-Chair. Except as provided in these Bylaws, no member shall hold more than one office simultaneously.
8. No member shall be eligible for the office of Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect until having served on the Executive Committee in any capacity for at least one year except during the initial year of the Division or in the event the office of Chair is declared vacant.
9. The retiring Chair shall not be eligible for election as Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect for the term immediately succeeding the term as Chair.
Article B9 - Standing and Special Committees
1. A Division may establish Standing and Special Committees.
2. A simple majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum at all committees' meetings
Article B10 - Meetings
2. A quorum for the transaction of business at all Division meetings shall consist of fifteen (15) qualified voters or twenty (20) percent of the qualified voters of the Division, whichever is greater.
Article B11 - Amendments.
1. Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by any Division, the Professional Divisions Committee, the Society Bylaws and Rules Committee, or the Society Board of Directors. Amendments must be of a nature that they can be applied equitably to all Divisions, in keeping with the intent of the Standard Bylaws. All proposed amendments shall be forwarded to each Division for comment. Comments should be filed with the Professional Divisions Committee Chair no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the next ANS national meeting. Further detailed procedures for approval of amendments to the Standard Bylaws are in the ANS Rule R18.9.1.
2. The Professional Divisions Committee shall notify all Divisions of approved amendments to the Standard Bylaws. Each Division shall be responsible for reviewing approved amendments to determine if corresponding changes to the Division's Rules are required.
Article B12 - Rules of Conduct
1. In all procedural matters not covered by the Bylaws and Rules of the Division, Robert's Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be used as the authority for parliamentary procedures.
Article B13 - Dissolution
1. Any Division may be dissolved at the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Society, after proper consultation with the Executive Committee of the Division and the Professional Divisions Committee.
2. The Division membership must approve dissolution by a 2/3 vote before a petition is submitted.
3. A Division considering dissolution should prepare and submit a petition to the Professional Divisions Committee that clearly states the reasons the
Division cannot fulfill its obligations and mission. The PDC with the Division will forward the petition to the Board of Directors.
4. Assets of dissolved Division shall become the property of the American Nuclear Society.
5. Any Division that merges with another Division may do so at the discretion of the Board of Directors after receiving a request from the Professional Divisions Committee and the involved Divisions.
a. Assets of merged Divisions will be combined under the newly established Division.
Article R1 - Name
The official names of Operations and Power Division and the American Nuclear Society may also be referred to herein as OPD and ANS.
Article R2 - Objectives
R2.1 (reserved for future use)
R2.2 (reserved for future use)
Article R3 - Obligations to the Society
R3.1 (reserved for future use)
R3.2 (reserved for future use)
R3.3 (reserved for future use)
R3.4 (reserved for future use)
R3.5 (reserved for future use)
R3.6 (reserved for future use)
Article R4 - Membership
R4.1 (reserved for future use)
R4.2 (reserved for future use)
R4.3 (reserved for future use)
R4.4 (reserved for future use)
R4.5 (reserved for future use)
R4.6 Division Participants:
OPD encourages the involvement of Division Participants.
a. Division Participants need not meet the education and experience requirements that are established for accredited membership in the Society.
b. Unless otherwise specified by the Society, the Division Participant application form may consist of a simple letter of request.
c. The associated fee for the maximum two-year enrollment period for a Division Participant shall be limited to twice the fee charged by the Society for membership in more than two divisions.
d. The chair of the Division Membership Committee shall coordinate presentation of the Division Participant request for consideration by the Executive Committee.
e. Rejected requests may be resubmitted no sooner than one (1) year following rejection.
Article R5 - Dues, Assessments, and Contributions
R5.1 (reserved for future use)
R5.2 Right to Levy:
The Division may levy a special and reasonable assessment to implement the sponsorship of special publications, awards, scholarships, or any special or topical meetings not within the scope of Article B2(§2) of the Standard Bylaws, when authorized by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes of the members present at any regular or special meeting called as provided in Article B10 of the Bylaws.
R5.3 (reserved for future use)
R5.4 (reserved for future use)
Article R6 - Executive Committee
R6.1 Delegation by Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee may empower officers or members of the Executive Committee to act specifically on its behalf in certain matters.
R6.2 Executive Committee Composition and Term of Office:
a. The Executive Committee of the Division shall consist of not more than twenty (20) members including the Officers, the elected members, and ex-officio members that have been em-powered with the right to vote.
b. The term of office for non-officer Executive Committee members, who were elected at large (including those elected as Student Members), shall be four (4) years.
c. Without limiting the actual number of Student Members permitted on the Executive Committee under Article B4.2 of the Bylaws, one position on the Executive Committee shall be specifically designated to be filled by a Student Member. Transition of the incumbent from Student Member to Member status shall not affect the Term of Office, but will prompt the designated position to be filled by a Student Member in the next regular election.
R6.3 Filling of vacancies:
a. A vacancy among the officers or on the Executive Committee may be declared because of death, resignation, or removal in accordance with Article R6.4.
b. Between elections, a vacancy shall be filled through appointment of an individual by the Chair, with an affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Committee members.
c. An individual appointed to fill a vacancy on the Executive Committee shall serve for the remainder of the original term.
d. An individual appointed to fill a vacancy among the Officers shall continue in the succession rotation provided in Article R7.1.1(c).
R6.4 Removal by Executive Committee:
a. An affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Committee members is required to remove, for non-attendance or other good cause, an Officer from office or an elected member from the Executive Committee.
R6.5 Amendment to Division Rules:
a. Amendments to Division Rules may be adopted using the e-voting procedure established in Article R12.1, with an affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Committee.
b. Amendments adopted by the Executive Committee shall be provided to the Society Bylaws and Rules Committee for review and approval.
c. The approved amendments to Division Rules shall become effective upon being filed with the Executive Director of the Society.
d. The Division members shall be subsequently notified of the amended Rules by appropriate means such as posting the amended Rules on the OPD website, or including a notice in the Division newsletter.
R6.6 Distance Participation in Meetings of the Executive Committee:
a. Meetings of the Executive Committee may include distance participation by members using appropriate media.
R6.7 (reserved for future use)
Article R7 - Officers
R7.1.1 Officers, Terms of Office, and Succession of Officers:
a. Division officers shall include:
i. Chair
ii. First Vice-chair
iii. Second Vice-chair (Optional)
iv. Treasurer
v. Secretary
b. The term of office for all Officers shall be one (1) year.
c. At the expiration of the term, the incumbent Officer will automatically succeed to the next office, as follows:
i. The First Vice-chair becomes Chair.
ii. The Second Vice-chair becomes First Vice-chair.
R7.1.2 Duties of the Chair:
a. The Chair shall have supervision over the affairs of the Division, subject to the direction of the Executive Committee, and shall be responsible for coordinating the work of the Division with the activities of the Society.
b. The Chair shall be responsible for calling a meeting of the Executive Committee at least twice per year, and shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and the Division.
c. The Chair shall be responsible for representing the Division at the meeting of the Society Professional Divisions Committee. The Chair shall be responsible for identifying a designee to attend the meeting if (s)he will not attend.
d. The Chair shall be responsible for making required presentations to the Society Board of Directors on behalf of the Division.
e. The Chair shall be responsible for suggesting Division members to the Society Executive Director and ANS President-elect for appointment to national committees.
f. The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all Division Committees, with voting rights.
R7.2 Designated Chair-Elect and Duties of the Vice-Chairs:
a. The First Vice-Chair shall be the designated Chair-Elect and, at the expiration of that term, will automatically succeed to the office of Chair.
b. The first Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in conducting the duties of the office.
c. The First Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair if the Chair is unable to serve.
d. In the absence or incapacity of both the Chair and the First Vice-Chair, the Second Vice-Chair shall be responsible for performing the duties of the Chair.
R7.3 Secretary:
a. The Secretary shall act as custodian of the Division Bylaws and Rules.
b. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records and minutes of the Division's activities.
c. The Secretary shall provide notices to Division members and for publicity releases, and shall be responsible for obtaining a roster of Division members from the Executive Director.
d. In the absence or incapacity of the other officers, the Secretary (if not a student member) shall be responsible for performing the duties of the Chair.
R7.4 (reserved for future use)
R7.5 Treasurer:
a. The Treasurer shall be responsible for:
i. Reviewing the financial statements provided by the Society's staff.
ii. Assisting with the preparation of the Division's budget.
iii. Monitoring the financial health of the Division.
iv. Advising the other officers on issues of expenses and revenue.
b. In the absence or incapacity of the Chair, the First Vice-Chair, and the Second Vice-Chair, the Treasurer (if not a student member) shall be responsible for performing the duties of the Chair.
Article R8 - Election and Eligibility
R8.1 (reserved for future use)
R8.2 (reserved for future use)
R8.3 (reserved for future use)
R8.4 Slate of Candidates for Election:
a. Positions filled in accordance with Article R7.1.1(c) or filled in accordance with Article R6.3, when an adequate portion of the original term remains, shall not be considered expiring or vacated.
b. The slate should include at least two (2) candidates for either the Office of Treasurer or the Office of Secretary.
c. The number of candidates on the slate for the remainder of the Executive Committee shall be at least 50% more than the number of positions expired or vacated.
R8.5 (reserved for future use)
R8.6 (reserved for future use)
R8.7 (reserved for future use)
R8.8 (reserved for future use)
R8.9 (reserved for future use)
Article R9 - Standing and Special Committees
R9.1.1 Standing and Special Committees:
a. As part of the strategic planning process for the Division, the First Vice-Chair shall, prior to assuming the office of Chair, submit for approval by the Executive Committee a succession plan, including the appointment or reappointment of:
i. At least two (2) members of the Executive Committee to each Division Standing and Special Committee with the maintenance of effective continuity of experience in conducting the affairs of the committee.
ii. The Chair of each Standing or Special Committee, except as specified in Article R9.1.2.
b. The Division Chair may, at any time, appoint additional members to serve on a Standing or Special Committee for a term of up to four (4) years.
c. With the approval (simple majority) of the Executive Committee, the Division Chair may remove the Committee Chair or any Executive Committee member from any Standing or Special Committee.
d. Except for the Chair or the Executive Committee Representative, the Division Chair may remove any member of Special or Standing Committees without Executive Committee approval.
R9.1.2 Division Standing Committees:
a. Nominating Committee - composed of not fewer than three (3) members, including the Committee Chair. The Committee Chair is the immediate past chair of the Division. The Nominating Committee is responsible for assembling a slate of candidates for elected offices that represents a broad cross-section of the segments or groups within the Division.
b. Program Committee - composed of not fewer than five (5) members, including the Chair. The Chair of the Program Committee shall be appointed by the Division Chair for a term of four (4) years. The Program Committee is responsible for organizing technical sessions of interest to division members at National Meetings and Topical Meetings. Unless delegated to another member of the Executive Committee appointed by the Division Chair, the Second Vice-Chair of the Division serves as the Vice-Chair of the Program Committee. The Program Committee Chair and Vice-Chair shall be responsible for representing the Division at meetings of the Society National Program Committee.
c. Membership Committee - composed of not fewer than four (4) members, including the Division Liaison with the Society's Membership Committee and the Chair. The Division Chair is the Chair of the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee is responsible for bringing the advantages of Society and Division membership to the attention of qualified candidates.
d. Finance Committee - composed of not fewer than five (5) members, including the two (2) immediate past Division Treasurers and the Chair. The Chair of the Finance Committee is the Division Treasurer. The Finance Committee is responsible for ensuring the financial health of the Division and the most effective use of the Division's financial resources.
e. Honors and Awards - Composed of not fewer than four (4) members, including the Program Committee Chair and the Chair. The Chair is the First Vice-Chair. The Honors and Awards Committee is responsible for stimulating the recognition of Division members, and for interacting with the Honors and Awards Committee of the Society.
f. Planning - Composed of not fewer than four (4) members including the Second Vice-Chair and the Chair. The Chair is the Division First Vice-Chair. The Planning Committee is responsible for annually developing a one-year tactical plan and a five-year strategic plan.
g. Newsletter and Publications - Composed of not fewer than seven (7) members including the Secretary, Program Committee Chair, UWC Technical Program Chair (TPC), First Vice-Chair and the Chair. The Chair is the Division Second Vice-Chair. The Newsletter and Publications Committee is responsible for publishing a semi-annual newsletter and at least one (1) non-meeting publication (e.g. an exceptional Division presentation in the Society's technical journals or an honoree's acceptance speech in Nuclear News) each year.
h. Website - Composed of not fewer than four (4) members including the Secretary and the Chair. The Chair is the Division Webmaster. The Website Committee is responsible for maintaining the Division governance and knowledge exchange among Division members.
i. Distance Participation - Composed of not fewer than four (4) members including the immediate Past Chair and the Chair. The Chair is appointed by the Division Chair for a term of four (4) years. The Distance Participation Committee is responsible for establishing new opportunities for distance participations, communicating opportunities for distance participation to interested Division Members, and stimulating distance participation.
j. Students and Young Members - Composed of not fewer than five (5) members including the Liaison with the Young Member Group , the Second Vice-Chair, and the Chair. The Chair is appointed by the Division Chair for a term of four (4) years. The Students and Young Members Committee is responsible for coordinating Division support and activities related to students and young members (e.g. Utility Working Conference (UWC) interns, Division scholarship recipients, and student conference attendees), and related to the transition from student to full member status.
k. Utility Working Conference (UWC) Support - Composed of not fewer than six (6) members including the Division Chair, the UWC Assistant TPC, the UWC TPC (who is the Committee Vice-Chair), and the immediate past TPC. The Chair is the immediate past TPC. The UWC Support Committee is responsible for coordinating Division support and activities related to the UWC (e.g. recommending recipients for the Utility Achievement Awards and the Utility Leadership Award, and promoting the UWC).
l. New Construction - Composed of not fewer than four (4) members including the two (2) co-Chairs who are appointed by the Division Chair for a term of four (4) years. The Committee for New Construction is responsible for organizing Division activities related to new nuclear plant construction.
m. The Division Chair may suggest, subject to Executive Committee concurrence, that the recommended number of members for Standing Committees be reduced depending on volunteer availability.
R9.1.3 Division Special Committees: Special committees may be established from time-to-time by the Chair, subject to authorization by the Executive Committee. Special Committees shall be dissolved upon completion of the duties assigned to them.
R9.2 (reserved for future use)
Article R10 - Meetings
R10.1 (reserved for future use)
R10.2 (reserved for future use)
Article R11 - Amendments
R11.1 Proposed Amendments to the Standard Bylaws:
a. Amendments proposed by the Division shall have received an affirmative vote by a simple majority of the Executive Committee.
b. Comments filed by the Division on proposed amendments, which were forwarded to the Division, shall have received an affirmative vote by a simple majority of the Executive Committee.
R11.2 Approved Amendments to the Standard Bylaws:
a. When notified of an approved amendment to the Standard Bylaws, the Secretary shall obtain an updated copy of the Division Bylaws from the National Bylaws and Rules Committee, and prepare reconciling changes in the Division Bylaws/Rules for review and approval by the Executive Committee.
b. Division members shall be notified of the amended Bylaws by appropriate means, such as posting the amended Bylaws on the Division webpage or including a notice in the Division newsletter.
Article R12 - Rules of Conduct
Article R12 - Rules of Conduct
R12.1 E-Voting Procedure:
The Executive Committee and the Division committees may conduct business using an e-voting procedure.
a. Any voting member of the Committee may introduce a motion.
b. Any other voting member of the Committee may second the motion.
c. For a seconded motion, the Chair of the Committee (i.e. the Division Chair in the case of the Executive Committee) shall establish a reasonable discussion period to be followed by a reasonable e-voting period.
d. A valid vote occurs if a majority of the Committee members provide an e-vote.
e. The Chair (i.e. the Division Chair in the case of the Executive Committee) will provide an e-vote in the event of a tie from the votes of the other Committee members.
f. Robert's Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be used as the authority for the e-voting process.
Article R13 - Dissolution
R13.1 (reserved for future use)
R13.2 (reserved for future use)
R13.3 (reserved for future use)
R13.4 (reserved for future use)
R13.5 (reserved for future use)
Approved for 2015-2016
Last revised November 8, 2015
Bylaws & Rules for
Last modified May 13, 2024, 2:54pm CDT